The Exam Results Out

Yun Qiu's Spiritual Mind had already reached 90, and it would be strange if he couldn't complete this written exam.

However, this exam is not something determined by the Spiritual Mind level.

It's all about knowledge and a decent amount of experience.

After the examinees have collected their answers, they must wait in the lobby hall until the test results are out. The process usually takes two hours.

Meanwhile, within the hall, three Master Alchemists were examining the papers piled up on their desks.

"Lang Huang, the correct answers are only 50%. He failed!"

"Dong Yu, the correct answers are only 25%. He failed!"

"Hou Xinyi, the correct answers are only 89%. He failed!"

"Lai Wei, the correct answers are 91%. He passed!"

"Cai Yun, the correct answers are only 8%. Damn it, how did even this guy have the nerve to come here with this kind of score? He is just tiring us. He totally failed!"