The Clear Sky Secret Realm

Just like that, Qin Yi and Xu Yuan gossiped for hours. Suddenly, a young man and a young woman appeared on the second floor of the Spring Jade Pavilion and occupied an empty table near Qin Yi's.

"Brother Xiao Chen, when will we return to the sect? If we stay here longer, we will miss the competition and lose the qualification to enter the Clear Sky Secret Realm." The young woman in a green dress suddenly opened the conversation.

Qin Yi's ears suddenly perked up when he heard a particular sentence.

The Clear Sky Secret Realm?

Qin Yi glanced at Xu Yuan and found that he also seemed interested in their neighbors' conversation.

The young man called Xiao Chen sighed and said, "I told you not to follow me, but you kept insisting. I've only stayed in the clan for three days, yet you've been rushing me to return to the sect. What happened with your enthusiasm earlier?"