The beginning

Hermione's p.o.v.

Steam poured out of the Hogwarts Express as me and my friends boarded the train for our8th year.I AM SO EXCITED!!!!I can't wait.I wonder what we'll be learning...We've already learnt a lot of spells,so maybe some theory.

I start looking for an empty compartment for us to sit in when I bump into someone."I am so sorry-wait Malfoy!?!?".I see the handsome blond on the floor next to me-wait he is NOT handsome.Get your priorities together Hermione,you are with Ron!"I'm sorry Hermione" Malfoy say softly.Wait he just called me by my first name."It's fine Malfoy,but why are you calling me Hermione?What happened to Granger,or Beaver or Mudblood"? At the sound of the word mudblood he stiffens."Hermione I am so sorry for everything I have done to you,and my friends are too.We were hoping that..maybe,we could be friends?"I stare at him in shock."Umm...sure.I forgive and I'm sure Harry.Ron and everyone else will too."I say,as he smiles."Thank you Hermione".He says as he turns and walks away.

I go back to my compartment and tell Ron,Harry,Ginny,Luna and Neville about whatever just happened.They look at me shocked.Harry is the first one who speaks."I guess we can forgive him,I mean his father forced him to act that way".Ron shakes his head and mumbled something that sound like"There's no bloody way he's my friend".

The ride to Hogwarts is mostly quiet as we watch the countryside or read a book.

As the Trolley Witch comes by,Draco and his friends come in and apologise.We accept their apology and Ron grudgingly does so.Besides that,all is normal.I hope we have a quiet year.

How wrong I was.

Chap 3-Draco's P.O.V (they are in the great hall)

As me,Blaise,Pansy,and Theo headed towards the Slytherin Table,a certain brunette caught my eye.It was Hermione.She so stop it Draco you are not allowed to think that!Mother and Father will kill you!And plus she is with weasel. Ugh.His manners are Hermione ended up with him is a mystery.Oh,Minerva is talking.Who cares.Wait there is an announcement for the 7th and 8th years after the feast.Interesting....

*after the feast*(i am too lazy to write conversations)

Mmmm.That was a good feast.I may have watched Hermione the whole time.Minerva is going to do her announcement.Better be something good.

Can all the students except for the 7th and 8th years leave the hall.You may go to bed.Prefects please escort everyone out.Thank you.Now before the announcement I would like to say that the head girl is Hermione Granger and the head boy is Draco Malfoy.*clapping* Now the minister will be coming in shortly.

(btw bold is minnie,italic is kingsley,and normal is draco)

Hello students and staff.It is a pleasure to see you all.Before the announcement I would like to say that this law was a decision made above me.I had no ruling in it.

Of course he had a ruling in it,he is the Minister Of Magic!

Now I am sure you all want to know what the law is.It is a marriage law.

WHAT THE BLOODY HELL MINISTER.Around the hall everyone is having the same reaction.The sound is making my eardrums burst!Neville Bloody Longbottom is shouting stuff about equality when minerva put a silencing charm on him.Thank merlin.

You have to marry and reproduce with in one year.Now I will call up the girls and they will be sorted with their soulmate.

Hermione's P.O.V

I can't believe this! They are forcing us to marry!I hope I get Ron.Imagine me getting Malfoy!That would be ridiculous.Although,he is handsome...No stop Hermione,focus.

First up is...Ginevra Molly Weasley.You are with Harry James Potter.

I am so happy for Ginny.Yay!

*time passes*

Hermione Jean Granger.It is your turn.

I can do this.The only people left are Malfoy,Ron,Pansy,Neville,Hannah,Luna, and Blaise.I will get Ron.I know it.

Sorting Hats P.O.V.

Hermione Granger.You need someone who is not afraid to argue with you but will match your intellect.A Hufflepuff won't work.Ravenclaw won't either.Hmm...Ronald Weasley is not for you...Your soulmate is...DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!


Draco's P.O.V.

I.Am.With.Hermione.Granger.The girl I have had a crush on for 5 years but not anymore.She is cute....Bloody merlin I get to marry her.I walk out of the Great Hall with her.Ha.Look at Weasley.He looks like someone kicked him in the gut.He deserves it.

Hermione's P.O.V.

I am with Draco Malfoy.I am with Draco Malfoy.I am with Draco Malfoy.He doesn't seem mad.In fact,he looks relaxed.Weird.Anyways we are at the dorm.The password is Dramione.No clue what that means.The upside is that I am sharing with Harry,Ginny,Blaise,Luna,Ron and Pansy.I can't believe that I wasn't sorted with Ron.On the upside,my-our room looks great!(I will post pics in the next chapter)

I am going to sleep.Malfoy is gonna sleep on the couch since there is one bed.

Draco's P.O.V.

"No I am not sleeping on the couch".I say.Malfoys don't sleep on couches.We sleep on luxury beds."Yes you are"she snaps at me.I glare at her before going to the bathroom and changing into boxers(and yes I sleep shirtless)When I come out she is staring at my perfectly toned abs.I smirk."Take a picture,it last longer".I say before heading to the couch.She blushes and goes to sleep since she changed behind the pare a vent.(I will post a pic of what that is)

I sigh.Tomorrow will be an...Interesting day.