The date

Draco's P.O.V.

I woke up to sunlight on my face.Hermione let me sleep on the bed since the couch wasn't safe.I almost fell off and broke my leg.We are getting a replacement couch soon.Until then,I can sleep on the bed.I felt someone shifting next to me and I saw Hermione sleepily opening her eyes.

"Good morning".She said in a sleepy voice.I smiled."Good morning".I said cheerfully.

I leaned over and looked at the time.It was 7:00."Hermione,wake up,its 7:00"!She shot up and rushed to the bathroom.I laughed and went to change behind the pare a vent.I waited for her,so we could head down together.She came out of the bathroom looking sad.

"What's wrong"?I asked scanning her face."It's Fred,he died"!Oh."I'm sorry".She buried her face into my chest as I hugged her."It's okay....It's okay".

We went downstairs and I muttered Evanesco to my shirt and I cleaned it of tears.Hermione went inside the Great Hall first and I followed.I ate my breakfast in silence.I watched as she received a letter and immediately perked up.I frowned.What happened?

As soon as breakfast was over,I caught up to her on the way to Potions."Hey Mione".She looked up."What did you call me"? "Sorry for calling you Mione".I said realizing my mistake."No,it's okay.I was just caught off guard"."What do you need me for"?She asked looking at me curiously."I was just wondering...what was that letter you got"?She broke into a smile."That was Mrs.Weasley.She sent me an owl telling me that Fred is alive!!!I am so happy"."That's great!".I say, also smiling.

I had an idea."Any chance you wanna have dinner with me tonight"?She blinked."Like on a date"?I blushed."I guess you could call it that".She smiled."Sure". "I grinned."I will meet you in the common room at 7:00". She nodded and headed off to potions.

*At 6:30*

"Woah mate,calm down.She'll love it don't worry"my best friend blaise Zabini told me.I nodded.I took a deep breath.I can do this.

At around 6:55,I went downstairs and waited.I saw her on the staircase and my jaw dropped.She..was...stunning.

Hermione's P.O.V.

At 6:40 I was ready.Ginny had spent the afternoon getting me ready for our dinner date.I have to admit,I looked great.I was wearing a green dress made of silk with a silver band around the middle.My hair was half up half down and I was wearing a silver necklace.

I was ready and prepared for the date.I went downstairs and saw Draco in a black tuxedo.He looked really handsome...No Hermione focus.Stop zoning out.I swear Draco's jaw literally hit the floor.It was so funny.He regained his composure and offered his hand to me."Shall we go"?I smiled and took his hand."Let's go".Behind me,I saw Ginny wiping tears and saying "I knew they would get together".Blaise nodded and said"I know Ginny,I know".

Draco led me to the room of requirement and I stepped inside the door,still holding his hand. I looked around in shock.Draco had taken me too....

