Will you go to the book fair with me?

Weston, Aaron and a few others were in the manager's office, and through the glass it looked like they were getting their ass scolded. Which they were, because of a project which was due on Monday morning but the manager had preponed the deadline to Saturday.

"Sir at least give us time till Sunday", said Aaron. All the others agreed with what Aaron said.

"Few of the employees have already submitted their part and if you get it done by Saturday I can deal with the client on Monday instead of Wednesday and we will make extra bucks for completing the project before time, now stop whining like babies. Get the hell out of my office and get the work done by Saturday" said the manager.

All the employees moved out and went to their desks, some angry, some in pain of losing the weekend. Weston was especially angry because he knew exactly who were the few employees that had already submitted their parts.

"Where did my headphones go", said Jayde after his headphones suddenly started hovering over his head.

"Oh hi Weston, where have you been, there is a book fair going on. Would you like to come?" said Jayde with a big smile

"Fuck you", said Weston. Jayde's smiling face didn't help Weston's rage.

"Yeah sure, what time?", said Jayde, and this time with his smile, he used a kinky voice. Which again didn't helping Weston's rage.

" You submitted your part of the project right", Weston was still quite angry.

"Oh yeah I did, yesterday"

After hearing this Weston took support of a nearby chair, cried for a moment and then came back.

"Why do you do this, Whaaaay!" said Weston, wiping his tears which never made it to the surface. "The deadline was Monday and you submitted it on Thursday are you fucking kidding me, now because of you I have to get it done because the deadline is tomorrow".

"See dude there is a book fair and I want a holiday tomorrow to go there, that's why I had to do it. I had to make the sacrifice Weston. Of all people, I know you will understand", said Jayde with all seriousness and shining eyes. Somehow Weston imagined him wearing a Viking costume.

I don't know why, this Weston dude is weird and so is dad.

"May God bless you", said Weston thinking nothing can be done. "I have to get shit done now and this mutt head won't understand" thought Weston as he started walking into the dark abyss while going to his desk.

"What's wrong with you", said Nora, she was a girl in her late 20s quite pretty and was extremely passionate until she got the seat next to Jayde.

"I forgot to poop today since I was running late", said Jayde shaking his head as if he had lost something valuable.

Nora had disgust in her eyes. "Hey would you like to go to the book fair with me", said Jayde as if it were a pickup line.

"No." It was a cold rejection. "I have lost interest in books since I met you".

"But why, how can you hate books they..."

"Shtaaap, I don't wanna hear an encyclopedia, just tell me if you had to choose between food… no, computers and books what would you choose", Nora changed food to computer because with food she won't win the argument and everyone knew that Jayde was crazy about computers.

"Oh you monstrosity, how can you ask a question like that" It was a critical hit on Jayde but Jayde attacked back with a question.

"Tell me if you had to choose what would you choose, a pushup bra or a padded bra", asked Jayde, making direct eye contact and a serious face.

"What the actual..", Something inside Nora died after hearing the question. She lost all her expression. Her mouth was wide open and a fly was about to enter her mouth but someone caught the fly with chopsticks and saved the day. Don't bother asking who. She turned back to her monitor.

"May lord have mercy on you", said Nora in sympathy for an unknown reason.

What's up with people today Jayde thought to himself and looked for his headphones and realized Weston took them with him after taking it off from his head. He saw Nora wasn't using her headphones.

"Nora, can I have your headphones? Weston took mine...", said Jayde with a big awkward grim that was supposed to be an angel smile.

By this time her headphones were in pieces. She must be having a rough day today, he thought to himself. She changed desks after that day.

It was late and Jayde was going home after work. He had taken a day off the next day to go to the book fair. He saw Weston on his desk working or more appropriately dying and Jayde decided to pay a friendly visit.

"Weston I'll give you another chance, would you like to go to the fair, I will buy you popcorn".

"Go away or I might kill you", said Weston with a murderous intent.

" Come on, okay I will do half of your work".

Weston stood up instantly and looked at Jayde, held his shoulders, and started imagining him as an archangel.

"I always knew that you will help me through tough times. You are my best friend. I thought many times that you were an asshole and always stayed with me because it was convenient or because you had no friends. I am so thankful to you, yes I will go to the fair with you. You know what, come on let's just complete this bullshit and then we can go to the bar for a drink". Weston got emotional and offered his chair to Jayde like a throne of a royal kingdom.

"Oh, I was just kidding...haha…. ha", said Jayde scratching his head with one hand and butt with the other.

It was like someone took Weston's soul away. It was a slap so hard on Weston's face that one of his teeth came out and fell on the ground 38 cm away, give or take a few. Tooth fairy looked through the teeth-tv at the tooth that was lying on the ground like a soldier who fought the war bravely but couldn't survive. Tears came in her eyes, and then the channel on her teeth-tv changed.

Meanwhile, Weston went into depression and started working on his computer unconsciously. White foam-like stuff was coming out of his mouth, not literally, and Jayde went home after patting Weston's back saying " Of course, women don't work as hard as men...they get it right in the first attempt."

It was a hard work quote Jayde read this morning.