
"We have so much in common like we are meant to be," Sarah said to the guy sitting in front of her.

"I would say that feelings are mutual," responded the gorgeous man. He looked at Sarah's empty cup and asked "Would you like some more coffee or should I order something else?"

"No no I am full, coffee was really good though," Sarah said making a 'my tummy is full' gesture.

"It's my first time coming to this cafe and it's pretty decent."

"Oh really, I am glad you liked It. This cafe serves amazing cake as well. Wanna try?"

"Perhaps next time," Sarah refused politely. "Oh, so there will be a next time. I am glad to hear that," the guy uttered in a witty voice. "I suppose," answered Sarah after biting her lip.

"Is this place getting hot or is it just you," the guy asked, sipping the last bit of coffee left in his cup. "Yeah, it's getting a bit crowded...oh… yeah I think it might be me," what a cheeky bastard Sarah thought to herself. "Well, I would like to go out because I am hot too, would you like to join me?"

"Well since you are hot, I think some outside air will do you good," said Sarah as she tried to tidy up the table and stood up from the chair. Both of them walked out of the cafe and started walking towards the parking lot. "Will I get the honor of driving you home madam?" asked the guy opening the car door for her. "What a beautiful act of chivalry and here I thought it was dead, so as a reward you may take me to my villa."

The guy drove Sarah to her apartment and like a gentleman walked Sarah to the door of her apartment. "Thank you so much. You didn't have to walk me to my apartment like this," Sarah said as she opened the door and walked into the apartment, put her handbag down on the side table, and walked back to the door to see off her guest. "So this is me. It was really nice meeting you," Sarah said as she extended her hand for a handshake. "Yeah it was nice meeting you too," said the guy as he shook her hand and the handshake ended but he kept holding her hand.

"You want something?" Sarah asked. The guy took a deep breath and scratched his neck. "All that coffee made my mouth dry..."

"Oh yeah, you thirsty?" asked Sarah with narrow lids. "Yeah, I would appreciate some water," said the guy fixing his hair. "Yeah of course...water, come in already you," said Sarah as she held his shirt from the collar and pulled him into a kiss. He shut the door from the back and lifted her up in his arms.

"Oh, I thought you were a sweet girl," Sarah grabbed his hair tight and went in for another kiss. "You thought wrong, you pretty boy". The guy threw her on the couch. Sarah managed her hair into a ponytail and the guy took his shirt off. "Fuck, you look like one of those models," Sarah was bewildered by the amazing muscular body of this young man. "Itadakimasu," shouted Sarah as she jumped up from the couch to get the man.

"Beep beep beep beep beep," everything turned red. There was the sound of an explosion in the distance. Sarah looked around and both of them got worried. Her apartment door broke down and paratroopers moved into her apartment. Some from the broken door and some from the windows like it was a raid. Sarah jumped out of the way of a train going full throttle through her apartment."

"AAAH fucking hell! Jesus Christ," Sarah screamed as she held her head tightly with both of her hands after she hit her head into the table when she jumped in her sleep. "Beep beep beep beep"

"One day or another I am gonna break this landline," Sarah thought out loud. She picked up the phone that was ringing like an annoying school bell. "Yes! Who is it at this hour? It's seven in the morning." "Do you have a death wish sweetheart?"

"Julie, my love, how are you," Sarah feared death but she feared Julie more. "Get ready, I'll be there in 10 mins."

"Wait, what! 10 mins, what, why how huh?"

"We have to leave for the launch of your new book you dumb female specimen."

"Oh right! The book fair is happening right," Sarah exclaimed.

"Book Fair is happening, right! right? Yes you ferret, it's happening. Now get ready I will be there soon," the phone got disconnected and Sarah melted into a crying messy pudding. "It's seven in the morning," she screamed and was about to have a breakdown but she held it in because she couldn't afford to waste time Julie was on the way for Satan's sake.

Sarah tossed her hair back and ran into the shower. She took a minute bath and charged towards the cupboard because she didn't pack the bags which she was told to do a week ago. She opened the cupboard doors and dragged out a big blue suitcase from the bottom compartment. She tried to pick it up and put it on the bed but she couldn't, even after using all her body strength.

"Damn I need to go to the gym. Why the hell is this so damn heavy," she opened the suitcase and found it filled with clothes. "Oh my god. I love myself," she enjoyed a sigh of relief that she already packed the stuff.

"What's this 'sniff sniff' smell," she realized that it was the suitcase she took to Paris for a get-together 8 months ago and never bothered to open it and wash the dirty clothes that she stuffed into the suitcase. "Oh my god! I hate myself," she coiled up and was about to cry again but couldn't afford to, Julie was on the way.

She opened up another bag and stuffed a bunch of dresses and a few other essentials. After packing the bag, she straightened up her back and looked at the big window in her room. "Weather is good today," she looked down and ducked. "Oh shit! oh shit! oh shit!" Sarah crawled to the window and closed the curtains hastily, peaked from the crease, and looked around. "I hope no one saw me butt naked. Fuck, should've put down the curtains before taking the bath."

She went back to the cupboard and put on the only dress which was steamed because she forgot to get them ironed, classic Sarah. "Okay makeup. Here I come," Sarah opened up her makeup drawer which was soo badly managed that one could mistake it for a natural disaster site. "Okay, some anti-aging cream and foundation, this white powder, some of this red thing, some mascara and yeah this thing, red lipstick 'muah muah muah'. Where did that big ass brush go," Sarah painted her face in beauty from all the makeup.

"Damn woman, you look drop-dead gorgeous. My makeup skills are divine, bloody gorgeous," she looked into the mirror and checked out the goddess in front of her and admired her beauty. "Okay. Let's get going," she looked at the clock in her hall. It was 7:23 am. "Julie will be here any minute," Sarah thought to herself and tried to clean or more appropriately brush the

things under the carpet because she didn't want Julie to see the chronicle mess of the Jurassic dumpster she used to live in.

"It's 7:40. Where is she? Is she stuck in the traffic?"

Sarah tried calling Julie's apartment knowing well that she won't be able to pick up as she would be on her way but oh well. "Who!" Julie picked up the call and answered. "Wait, what are you doing in your apartment? You said you would be here in 10 mins. It's been 40"

"Oh honey honey, my benevolent past experiences have taught me that you are engulfed by a deadly sin called sloth. I called you so that you can get your shit together and I don't have to wait for 2 hours before you can get going". Sarah Imagined Devil Julie in front of her.

"You called me seven in the morning. Do you know how hastily I had to do everything," Sarah was about to throw hands on the imaginary Julie. "My expectations of you are so LOW that I won't be surprised if you have your dirty clothes from the last trip still stuffed up in your suitcase. So I called you because I was sure you hadn't done anything even after I told you twice".

Julie used "divine reckoning"; it was super effective.

"But umm that's not…" Sarah couldn't fight back. "I'll be there at 9:30. BYE!"Julie disconnected the call.

"OH MY GOD YOU BITCH!", Sarah cried in true agony.

"Honey, I think we should call the police on her. She is screaming even in the mornings now, like every night and evening wasn't enough already," the lady in the next apartment said to her husband. Sarah's neighbors were sick and tired of her multiple screeching breakdowns throughout the day.