The Pegasus Immortal

The Five True Immortals.






Each horse owns a respective share of the Immortal Horses... Except for one. One stands above the rest and holds the majority share and control of the organization. She is known as the Immortal Creator. The second oldest Immortal, credited with bringing about this new age of immortality.

Her name is Eiko... Or others call her the Pegasus Immortal.


A car screeched across the runway, as the smoldering bloody mark of Jill's dead body remained in the circle of everyone's fear. They looked at her limbs and guts splattered across the black asphalt, they looked at her stained face, her blow-off jaw connected to her shattered eyes.

The remaining seven witches slowly backed away from the center as a fancy Bugatti pulled alongside Jill's dead corpse.

"Who's that?" asked Luna.

"Look at the front of the car," pointed Aria.

On the front of the Bugatti sat the insignia of the Immortal Horses.


The car door opened wide as a twenty-year-old woman walked out in rose-colored heels, in a rose-colored dress, with rose-colored nails and rose-colored hair. Everyone stared at her immortal beauty. They stared at her pale white skin, her shoulder, at the mark on it, the mark of immortality.

She looked at the seven witches all staring back.

"Congratulations, you've all passed." she opened wide.

"Who are you?" asked Aria.

She turned to Aria, her dark green eyes.

"You all work for me now. You will address me as Miss Eiko. But if you want to know my real name, call me Pegasus."

Aria turned to Damon, her face serious and intense. He looked back with confusion, with understanding, with a realization.

"Oh she's-"

KJ stepped up with a widening smirk.

"Your one of the True Immortal Horses!" he expressed with a smile.

"Yes, I am truly-truly, a True Immortal."

She looked at Damon, Aria, Luna, Bryan, George, and Bible. She saw their stone-cold stares at the brutal murder right in front of their eyes. She looked up and down at their unique designs, their unique looks, and their unique personalities. She laughed.

"Hahahahaha what a cast! Anyway, time to get to the real stuff." She looked at her watch, "you all have half a day to get down to the HQ base. It's in New York, good luck."

She turned around, "oh and if you don't make it in time you will die."

Everyone but Damon looked up with scared faces.

She chuckled to herself, "nah, I'm just joking with yall."

She entered her Bugatti and drove off into the morning sunshine, as the seven witches stood staring at eachother. Damon looked to Bryan, Luna looked to Damon, Aria looked to the sky. The other three witches, Bible, George, and KJ, started walking away.

Bryan leaned over and whispered to Damon

"Do you know these girls?" he asked staring at Luna and Aria.

"Yeah... They're my followers."

"Followers!" he gasped as the two girls beautiful stood unparalleled to any girl he had ever seen before.

Aria chuckled, "we are not his followers. He's my follower."

"I'm not her follower. I'm her partner in crime.

Luna reached out, "I'm your follower Damon!"

She jumped into her arms.

"Can you stop," he said in a monotone voice.

He tried to wiggle out but she kept grabbing harder and harder. Bryan fell back jealous and horny.

"God damn..." Aria turned serious, "we don't have time for playing. We have half a day to catch a plane and get to New York."

Luna flipped back to Aria, "it's fine. We already made it into the Immortal Horses, do we have to rush."

Bryan spoke up as well, "well I think we should-"

"Yeah shut up Mr. Nobody." Aria grabbed Damon by the hair, "Damon your the deciding factor. We go or we chill?"

"Ummm... I don't really care."

"Then it's decided we're going!"

She pulled him across the empty airfield as Luna followed.

Bryan stood still, his confusion left in the dust as they disappeared into the sunny distance, "but... What about my vote?"


Half a day later in New York City.

"Ok good, now that you are all here... I will give you your first task..." said Miss Eiko in her rose-colored dress, contrasted by the bright shining interior of the main lobby of the HQ building.

The seven witches all sat on three couches, in a small semicircle around Miss Eiko who sat on a metal swirly chair.

They all looked at eachother, their faces waiting for her first task.

"Ok listen up and listen closely, your first task is to get me coffee. Whoever gets me the best coffee will get one point, now go!" she commanded.

No one moved.

She looked at their silent faces.

"Come on I said go! So go! Sho-sho!" she waved them off, trying to get them to scram.

No one moved.

"Aren't we going to become immortal first? I thought we were going to be turned into Immortals? I didn't sign up to be turned into a lapdog," questioned George Mike with a disappointed face.

Miss Eiko sighed and pulled out a small silver briefcase.

"I don't want anymore crying about it, I'll be waiting here. Now go. Go..."

No one moved.

"Miss Eiko? What do points do?" asked Luna.

She ignored her.

George Mikes spoke up again.

"I didn't want to speak up but I guess I will. Miss Eiko, I've found it hard to understand what these tests are doing and-"


She opened up her silver briefcase interrupting George Mike's speech.

"Fine, if you all want an explanation. I'll give you one."

She pulled a pistol out of the case.


She shot George in the head.

"Is that a good enough explanation? Now I said get going, you idiots!"

Everyone stood up in shock as George fell back, the red hole in his head, his lifeless body suddenly dead, suddenly gone, gone from life, dead.

"He's..." Luna was shocked.

Aria smirked.

Damon stood emotionless.

KJ stood flexing.

Bible softly smirked.

They all left the HQ lobby.


Five minutes later. Miss Eiko got a call.

"Is it all ready?" she asked.

The voice vibrated back in a deep dark tone, "yes, all the bodies have been collected."

She smirked, "good, bring them to the cemetery. I'll deal with our candidates, and in three days we'll have our next True Immortal."