Chapter 2

"Oh you and your business. Guys let's hurry lessons start in +/- 1 minute." My other friend Cassidy says.

I have 3 friends at school. Lebohang - nickname Lebo. She's the most popular one in our group, she has very good social skills and she is very attractive. She is the first friend I made here at St Martin.

Cassidy - nickname Case. I like to call her the newspaper. She knows everything about everything and everyone. She's the one who does most of the talking in the group and she's the most talented. She can sing, dance and act.

Thato - nickname Child. We call her Child because she is literally a baby. She has an innocent outta layer but has a little dirty mind. She's the one I go to when I'm bored because there is never a dull moment with her.

Then there's me! Sarah - nickname Saucy. I'm the introverted potato that loves books and binge watching movies. You can say I'm the smartass of the group. I'm the giver of advice and the future entrepreneur.

The first 3 periods went by like a blur. I know every thing they just taught us today. Now it's short break which takes about 15 minutes, which means 3 or 2 games of cards.

Me and my friends usually don't sit together during shirt break because I'm busy at room 13. As I am exit the class I'm currently in, I make my way to room 13, something catches my eyes. Infact it's not something, it's someone.

It's the new guy whose name I think is Ethan if I'm not wrong. He joined our school day before yesterday, the poor guy wrote a maths test the day after he arrived.

Ethan is like super hot! He is tall with a face if a God! A cheekbone of a Greek God. His glasses compliment his face and brown eyes very well. Just like me he has raven black hair and it's styled to perfection. His dimples are the cherry on top of his handsome face. He is not build though and I like it like that. In short I have a crush on him.

He is so hot with his four eyes. I shake my head looking always from him before he sports me. I make my way to room 13 and find people already waiting for me.

"Let the games begin!" I say to everyone and they start playing. I eat half of my lunch box food as I supervise what's happening around me.

Another bell rings signalling that the shorty break is over. We leave the classroom and I head to my locker to collect my maths, Business Studies and English text books and exercise books.

I enter the maths class and take my sit on the table next to the wall in the middle row. Four eyes comes inside the classroom, my eyes linger on him but I try not to make it obvious that I'm staring at him.

He walks towards me - wait WHAT?!

Why is he walking towards me?

Did he see me staring?!

Okay Sarah act cool.

"Hey. My name is Ethan, is there someone sitting here?" He asks me with a smile. He has those contagious smiles and I smile shaking my head. He then takes a sit next to me.

"I'm Sarah by the way. You are new here right?" I ask extending my hand for him to shake, which he does. As we shake hands I feel electricity charging through my hand.

What the hell? I mentally ask myself looking at my hand. I see Ethan staring at his too meaning he probably felt it as well.

Ethan clears his throat removing his hand from mine and I immediately miss his touch. "yeah I am. I arrived day before yesterday."

"well welcome to St Martin -" before I can initiate a conversation Sir Henry -our maths teacher- enters the class and starts talking.

"Hey guys I have your marks right here! Most of you did well but some of you just didn't." Sir Henry starts giving people their papers and he finally says my name. "Sarah, you never seize to amaze me with your results." He hands me my paper and I smile proudly to myself.

"But it seems like someone is going to give you a run for your money." I stare up at him confused as to what does he mean by that. "Ethan scored the highest in class with 99%." Sir Henry gives Ethan his papers and he smiles showing off his cute dimples.

I stare at both of them in shock!

This can't be happening! I glance at my paper then his, not believing my eyes and my ears. He scored more than me by one mark!

"You should join the Maths Olympiad my son. Sarah you need to show him around the school and give him the form for joining the Olympiad we need him in our team. " I stare at sir Henry as he walks away.

"Let me see your paper." I say taking his paper to compare our answers. As I glance back and forth between our papers I see where I went wrong. Instead of writing +/- 5 I just wrote 5 and I forgot to write a negative sign on my last answer! How could I be so dumb?!

"Oh my god four eyes!" I say. "I am four eyes?" Ethan looks over at me, "duh." I say gently tapping the frame of his glasses. "do you not like it?" I ask biting my bottom lip. "no, i like it it's cute. " he smiles. We stare at each other until we hear Sir Henry say. "Okay Sarah and Ethan you guys can have your romantic session after school not in my class. Right now is maths time and the only this you should looking at with lovey dovey eyes are the sums and equations on the board."

I remove my eyes from Ethan's and look over to to sir Henry with a sheepish smile with my hand rubbing my neck nervously. "Sorry sir."

We go back to studying and learning for the rest of the period and periods. During these periods I learned that Ethan and I share 6 subjects together.

I walk to my locker to leave my books but take my half eaten lunch box and my Business Studies textbook so that I can study after I'm done I make my way to the cafeteria. I can see my friends already at our table. "Hey guys." I say sitting down.

"What's with the textbook?" Cassidy asks. I look at my BS textbook then back at her. "I going to study." I say in a matter of factly. "But exams start next of week mos?" Lebo injects. "well I'm getting a head start in my studying." I say taking a bite off my sandwich while also opening my textbook.

"Anyways did y'all hear about the party Ropa is throwing tonight?" Lebo asks changing the topic. "Oh yeah Bear told me about it at short break today but I'm not going." I say as I read through the text in the textbook.

"why?" Thato asks looking me up and down in confusion, "You like partying."

"That's the old me dear. I'm goal-orientated now, I need to get a scholarship to study aboard and I can't do that while partying can I?" I rise my brow at them. "You guys should try studying sometimes it's nice." I say in a fake enthusiastic voice. "wow!" Lebo says.

"I'm going whose in?" Case asks, Child and Lebo cheer in response. "Have fun guys and tell me all the tea when you come back." I continue studying as they discuss about what outfit they need to wear.

Truth be told, I'm not uptight, it's just that prelim exams are coming up and I want to pass like nobody's business so that I can get a scholarship to study in a prestigious university overseas.