Wake Up or Not

Within the Samsara Wheel:

Runes glow a shimmering white light with a slightly darker golden background holds them within...the view slowly goes downward as it seems that...that was just the roof of this ridiculously huge circular...Building?...Tool?

All the eyes could see were souls being organized to their respective Reincarnation Gates. The Gate of Hell is at the back of this circular building tool. Souls colored in black hues are going through this gate.

At its sides are The Gates of Hungry Ghosts, whose souls are grey hued. And The Gate of Demons, their souls are red.

Moving on to the slightly better gates. To the left is The Gate of Beasts...a better fate to most but...not desirable. Souls are a dark yellow hue.

To the right is a definite better fate. The Gate of Humans, souls a nice blank white color. We can see the see the soul that just left the middle aged man file up in that long soul line.

Authors thought: "How can the Narrator tell" you ask? Its cause he's the god damn Narrator! So, sit down and read damn it!

Back to that later. The Gate of Divinity, where the souls shine the brightest with rainbow lights practically wafting of them. It can be seen that these souls garnered great amounts of Good Karma.

Authors thought: 'Though I still question if killing someone to save another would garner good karma and if those reincarnated into this gate, do have the chance to become f@cking @$$holes...but now thinking about it, gods in myths do have the tendency to be jack@$$€$.'

Back to the middle aged mans soul.

As with all reincarnations, there is the forgetting portion of it, and as luck would have it, it is here as well.

It seems it's a "Men In Black" type stuff. A flash then the souls allowed to go, simple right? As the middle aged mans turn was about to begin something hit the samsara wheel resulting in his soul tumbling through the portal...without forgetting...lucky guy. Truly lucky indeed as the other souls don't have the same luck staying in place. Majorly lucky considering he was going to a place where peoples punches destroy mountains and their very breathing feels like torrential winds.

With his soul tumbling through and merging into something squishy. With all that done he finally could feel some vestiges of conciousness coming to him. He opens his eyes only to see red. He wasn't one to question things to much as that hurts his brain. He just chalks it up to reincarnation and that he was in his mother's womb. He feels tired. With just the action of opening his eyes he felt like naptime will be coming sooner than later. So, he let it happen sleeping for the rest of the month before he is born.