The Odd Orphan

It has been three years since he was first reincarnated. A lot has happened. Jiao learnt how to walk at seven months, speak his first word at nine, and say his sentences at eleven.The caretakers saw him as a genius child. Though if relearning basic human function counts towards such then maybe he is. At one year old. he decided to put his plan into action. He lead the other kids just like a leader should. They proceeded to call him Big Bro. Even though there are kids who are older than him. Jiao is mature and smart, so they follow him.

He also found out that this planet is relatively similar to different countries views of fantasy so there are Knights and Wizards to the west. Martial Arts and Sorcery in the east. The tension of the two sides is there but, it has a sort of equilibrium.

He was born in the Martial Arts side of things. Also there are other races that seem to follow DnD races variety. There are Humans, Elves, Orcs, Beastmen, Dragonbloods, etc. Though I'm very sceptical of the Dragonbloods cause here in the east there are fewer but, the perks they get from their bloodline is immense. They are stronger, faster, and have less reptilian like scales than their western cousins.

Also, during this time, he decided to do some physical training, secretly. God knows what other people would think if they saw a one year old child doing strength training. He did it discreetly. Running during the day under the guise of children playing tag, push ups, sit ups, pull ups, squats, and yoga during the night. All in three years...well 2 mostly but still pretty good.

This brought only benefits to his growing boy body. Lean yet defined muscles, which would have made an odd sight to most. He had power over other kids with the addition of slightly older ones, speed and stamina to keep up with a stray dog who was very friendly, he named him Stronk or Da Li, either or. One a meme to strength, the other a true chinese translation.

Authors thoughts: "At least I think it is...thanks google."👍

Where was I...Oh! And flexibility that leaves most kids awestruck. After all you ever see a kid do a perfect 180 degree split. No one came to adopt anyone from here. orphanages are just the containers of abandoned children. However, with someone like Madona and the other caretakers around it's easy to forget such things. No one really cared about abandoned children, too busy with themselves to notice or care. Maybe, that's why people call this place the home of the saints because the caretakers are willingly taking care of the children. This is the perfect life he truly imagined it to be though bad news came the next day. The orphanage are not receiving funds...He forgot about the corrupt officials in this world.

'There is always a damn catch!' Jiao overheard two of the caretakers speaking to each other about an official in office who was downright deplorable. Visiting brothels, beating up civilians who didn't do nothing, and taking the government help fund for the orphanage.

'Guess phase two is in order.' That's right Jiao prepared a second phase toward his training plan. Just last week The Madona just took the children, him included, to look at the returning soldiers,who came back from dealing with a bunch a bandits, however,with that one action it was the start of his ingenious plan. Under the guise of wanting to become a soldier too, Jiao asked for three swords. The first a wooden sword,the second a weighted sword, and thirdly an even heavier sword. The Madona was visibly confused as to why those specific parameters. And he simply replied with

"A soldier needs to be strong, yes?"

The Madona replied "Yes...?"

"Then I need to train with those swords."

"Aren't you too young?"

"Strong men are NOT born from nothing."

"...I question if you're really a child you know that?"

"I'm just smart child is all."

The Madona finally agreed and asked a friend who knew a chick who has a cousin,whose boyfriend had a blacksmith uncle to get the swords. Of course Jiao wasn't doing nothing during that time. He decided to up the anty of his training by adding heavy rocks attached to a pulley system to train his underdeveloped body thinking.

'If Zoro could do it so can I!'

Unbeknownst to him his body was undergoing changes that the human mind couldn't possibly fathom. It may be the Laws of this world or maybe due to his drive and the ki in this world, he's awakening a dormant gene in his body. Either way he's getting stronger. Muscles that should have obscenely bulged out...condensed instead, into a smaller,defined yet less so, form. Jiao barely even noticed.

At present when he had found out about the funds Jiao knew he had to think fast, though, he hates thinking fast he cannot allow anything to ruin his great start. That's when The Madona came in with three swords a training sword, a metal training sword, and a...SHARP HEAVY DOMINEERING LOOKING SWORD WHAT THE!!!

"Uh, Madona I asked for a heavier training sword.?"

"Yes, and here it is."

"Madona, I can tell that's a weapon not a training tool...I'm not dumb."



"This is your training sword and your soon to be weapon. I asked to have it such. So, don't question it, kay?"



The Madona,after giving the sword to Jiao, walks off with a smile. Jiao seeing her back view couldn't help but feel...sad. A drop falls from from somewhere, startled Jiao looks up only to feel that the drop came from his eyes...he was crying.

"Men, don't cry damn it! So, go back where you came from tears!"

Jiao headed to his training ground in the jungle, having burning passion that has never burned any brighter even for video games, manga/comics, novels, and anime. Had such an intense glow that it seemed to have manifested between the physical and spiritual plane. A fire that seemed to be there, surrounding young Jiao's body yet, isn't burning anything.

That night Jiao has never trained so hard in his 32 years of conciousness (Jiao was 29 when he died).