Chapter:6 Belphegor

"I never really noticed nighttime here had stars"

[master is far too busy at times to notice]

"ha you're right every moment in this world is far too dangerous for me to rest and notice the little things"

[master seems to enjoy dangerous situations]

"well...yeah why wouldn't I, it's thrilling in a way I'm constantly on edge and my life is on the line which forces me to do things I'd never thought I'd do, it's....exciting!!"

[so danger fulfills master?]

"....not really, danger hasn't given me adventure yet"


"for a system you actually listen and talk to me even though it's mostly simple responses and on command but I'm still happy for it.....well now isn't that pathetic"

[desiring a companion is not pathetic,master]

"H-HUH I didn't say I wanted a companion,I could go 20 years without on-"


"oh we can finally get back to the shelter"

(Day 4)

I opened my eyes slowly and stretched a bit as I stood up in a motivated motion

right we'll gain 2 more levels and evolve, right after I test out shadow slash a bit

excited to witness the power of my newly acquired skill I exited the rock shelter and walked around to the side of it as I got ready to unleash the skill on the stone

it's a level 1 skill it shouldn't do too much damage but I'd at least want to see what I'm working with here

"Shadow slash"

[shadow slash:activated]

I slashed at the side of my stone shelter making a large mark that I wasn't really expecting from a level 1 skill, the skill worked from a distance aswell however naturally it's damage decreased the further you were from your target,after testing the skill dozens of times It seemed the attack was still just as powerful close range at a 12 meter distance which sounded fair enough, any further and I'd be sniping.

"with shadow slash constant close range attacking isn't needed that much, being able to attack from a distance is always an advantage"

I crossed my arms as I stared and assessed my stats for a while before noticing the massive experience bar in front of me

"4000 experience needed till my next level up!?"


"how am I going to gain that much EXP without Kin eater, I'll be stuck at level 12 for months if I just use the regular felis demon hunting strategy


"sigh...without Kin eater what's the EXP I'll be gaining"

[20 EXP]

I threw myself onto the ground and crossed my legs in thought.

tch there's no difference...if only I still had Kin ea- no, complaining Kin eater was useful was dangerous, slowly losing myself wasn't my intention here, it's better for me that it's gone

"shadow demons don't give much, felis demons don't give much.....would a leader level demon be any different?"

[the average leader level demon gives off 300-410 EXP]

"that much!?"


"what about their levels?!"


"unknown huh....fine let's put that on hold for now,what I need right now is new armour

" predators eye"

[predators eye:activated]

my predators eye had levelled up considerably after using the title Kin eater,red dots had changed to the actual figures of the demons while the distance of the skill had increased to 200 meters

my eyes glanced around frantically as I searched for any felis demons nearby but not a single one showed up anywhere,caught up in my intense search I barely noticed just how far I was walking nor how long I'd been walking for.

[I suggest master take a break]

"just why would I do that?"

[a break is needed in any journey besides master has been walking for 4 hours now]

"it's really been that long?"

[yes, stamina:154/758]

I glanced behind me only to find no sight of the stone shelter at all, exhaustion slowly catching up on me I slowly took another step that seemed to have passed straight through the ground as I fell into a large pitch black hole,I crashed onto the ground and groaned a bit in slight pain.

what's a hole this large doing in the middle of nowhere this-


I stroked my hands across the floor and laughed loudly as I did so

"it's not sand,there's no sand"

I rolled on the hard ground enjoying every bit of it as I did so

[master haven't we celebrated enough?]

"huh....oh right I shouldn't be so elated right now, predators eye"

not a single demon showed up in front of me just like the surface at the moment it was oddly free of any demons,my curiosity now running on high I decided to explore the place I'd accidentally found.

"it's like a tunnel a massive one too, the height could fit 3 trucks stacked on top of each other"

[I'd advise we leave master]

"there's nothing dangerous for another 200 meters I'll be fine"


from complete darkness the tunnel slowly started gaining light as dozens of brightly lit insects similar to fireflies sat clumped together on the sides of the tunnel, the tunnel was completely red with roots and odd purple plants growing out from some places.I could barely supress my hunger for exploration as in seconds I sprinted through the tunnel excitedly, I slowed down as I spotted a large stone walled room with a few blue torches lighting it, my sense of hesitation had left me completely and I entered the room with zero fear at all.

" this place is great!!"


"four seperate large tunnels to enter, blue torches for lighting, a neatly stoned wall, oddly weird insignia's engraved in some places of the room, a stunningly blue pool thats.....awfully too clean....this is a boss room isn't it"

the ground trembled violently before

pausing as a hot breeze caressed my neck freezing me in place, light trembles followed with dozens of felis demons entering from the large tunnel in front of me while keeping the distance from me in a submissive position.

"I'm guessing that right now I'm being eyed as food for a much larger beast huh"


I sighed and slowly turned towards the beast, snow White fur with stunning black tiger stripes with fierce glowing yellow eyes and quills on its back that gave it an even more terrifying look but what truly surprised me was it's size it's paw alone dwarfed me and the the other felis demons.


[race:felis demon



" you wouldn't happen to have a suggestion on getting me out of here would you?"

[master was warned]

"you said my safety was your top priority right?"

[Suggestion:any movements may cause Belphegor to attack,I suggest master stay still]

I sighed in regret and watched as Belphegor started to slowly pace around me while taking sniffs here and there, my body was completely petrified I wondered whether it was one of Belphegor's skills or just my bodies natural reaction to a demon far more fearsome than it. Belphegor paused and slowly raised it's paw towards me menacingly within mere seconds a searing pain travelled across my body as my vision turned black on one side and I felt myself smash onto hard stone, I couldn't feel my right arm at all the vision on my right eye was completely black with my leg being the only thing I could still feel on the right side of my body.

"S.....Sy-System what's happened to me?...."

[...most of your right body.....has been severed]

"what's me health right now.....?"


"that's not too bad"

[is master thinking of fighting?]

"even I'm not that insane when it comes to this....however it's obvious he's assessed my abilities and sees me as no threat that's why he's choosing to play with me rather than just kill me right now,it enjoys watching it's prey struggle and fend for itself as it attacks it with non lethal strikes and it seems non of the others have a say in what Belphegor does"

[planning an escape by using Belphegor's natural habit of playing with food?]

"exactly right"

[masters assessment is quite astounding]

"I'm thankful for the compliment however..."

I raised my left arm slowly

"don't compliment me till it succeeds, shadow slash!!"

[shadow slash:activated]