
"I'm not asking you to understand! I'm telling you it's impossible to fly home in this weather."

Jess looked at her key card then at the door, it is clearly the same number as her card key. But there is a man dripping wet from the shower with nothing on his body but a white towel wraps on his hips as he continues his tirade of explanation to whoever he is talking to on the phone.

With how he shouts and with the choice of words coming from his attractive mouth she wonders how the recipient of such foul language could still be alive. 'Attractive mouth' she knitted her eyebrows, as she scoffed with laughter by herself. Why in the world would she find the mouth of this stranger in her room attractive.

What a joke! She thought to herself, finally closing the door behind her. She pulled her suitcase and sat herself down in the receiving area of the room. She could see from behind the enclave of bookshelves that there are two glorious beds waiting.

She is bone tired that she would really like to sleep like a log right now, but she has to deal first with the man that she found almost naked and totally angry in her room.

She pulled her phone from her purse and checked the airline email regarding the free accommodation that they would be providing to their passengers in lieu of canceled flights. So far, she got the hotel right. It is the Midland Hotel, one of the few five stars surrounding the LAX.

The mistake must have been either between the airline or the hotel. Upon checking with the airline's email, she could deduce that the problem happened with the hotel. And since she is already here, she hopes the problem could be solved easily so she could get a rest as soon as possible.

Now, if only this deliciously looking man will end his call and give her some attention. She has been sitting in the chair for about ten minutes and the man just glimpsed at her twice. He took his call in the bedroom but he kept on pacing the room with his left hand resting on his waist, while the right was holding the phone.

Regardless of the distance between her and the man, she could see his chiseled abs, a nice carved of buttocks covered in white cloth. His arms are well-toned as well as his broad chest, with not much of a hair. She smirked, thinking that it is nice to see a chest not covered in hair for once. Some women find it sexy, she doesn't.

She leaned on the sofa, kicked her shoes off her feet, and put them up on the coffee table while she enjoyed the view. A cup of steaming coffee would be perfect right now, but she is feeling lazy to stand up and make herself a cup. But truth to be told, she just doesn't want to miss the wondrous view right in front of her.

She cocked her head towards the bedroom area in curiosity when the stream of angry words could no longer be heard, and the guy can no longer be seen from where she is sitting.

She was startled when the guy came out of the bedroom area from behind one of the bookshelves separating the receiving and sleeping area of the floor.

She sighed with regrets that the man is now fully clothed in black pants and a white polo shirt with few buttons left open so anyone could still get a peek of what's in there. She smirked.

"Did you enjoy the show?" he asked her while giving her a slow look over with his blue eyes and satisfaction can be seen on those eyes.

She stood up, hiding a smile thinking to herself, of course, he would like what he is seeing. She is a sight to behold, and she is confident to say it for herself.

She didn't bother putting back on her shoes and just walked barefoot to the dining area where there is an espresso machine to make that coffee she has been wanting to drink.

"Yes," she answered him as she walked to the coffee machine. "I'm going to make a cup of coffee, would you like one?" she asked, over her shoulder. She saw the guy was checking her ass as she shoved an americano bullet coffee in the coffee maker.

"A latte would be nice."

She clicked her tongue with the guy's preference for coffee. But she just got another cup and made one for him without any side comments.

She brought the two cups of steaming coffee back to the receiving area where the man was comfortably sitting down.

She put down his cup of coffee in front of him and was about to sit down herself when he asked.

"You don't look like a prostitute, so what are you doing in my room and why do you have a key."

Jess's ears tingled in anger with the word choice of this man. It seems like he does have some problems with his chosen vocabulary. With so many words to chose from, must he really use the words prostitute on her.

This good-looking bastard must have everything easy in his life, she inwardly thought as she sat down on the chair opposite from him.

"I don't look like a prostitute because I am not one." she coldly smiles at his questioning gaze as she sips her coffee. 'Jerk!!' she screams in her head.

"My apologies." he sincerely said, seeing the expression on her face. "But why do you have a key to this room."

"Well, probably because this is MY room." she spat her words as she put down her coffee on top of the coffee table. She chose a magazine with the Kardeshians on the cover and put down her cup on top of it.

He scoffed at this girl watching him with open distaste on her pretty face. He would admit that he felt insulted with how she acted now when just a while ago she was feasting on his body while he was on the phone.

"You change your mind easily, huh?" he said mockingly. "Just a few minutes ago, you said you like me."

"Well, a girl sure can change her mind, as many times as she wants. If you want, you could stand up and turn around so I could see you from behind because you see, I prefer a guy with a nice pair of ass."

He choked on his coffee as his eyes widen.