Not So Fast!

'Devoted, huh?' She choked on her own drink thinking Noah was a devoted husband to his ex-wife. 'Must be nice,' she smirked, sarcastically as she put down her drink on the table. 

She raised her hand and within a minute, a man in a black suit came forward and stood next to her seat, ready to follow her instructions. 

"Tell the driver, I am ready to go," he told the man in a black suit. 

"My name is Smith, and I'll be your driver for tonight, Miss," he informed her politely. He held his hands by his sides with palms down. 

"Oh, if that's the case, then let's go." she got up from her chair and gave Stefan a polite smile. "It was nice talking with you again, Stefan." 

"Sure thing, Miss Zimmerman." He said as he stood up from his chair too. "Let's hang out again next time. I would love to show you my boat." he grinned as he extended his hand for a shake. 

Jess took the hand he offered, "I'll let you know when I am not busy," she smiled. However, at the back of her mind, she wanted to meet Stefan again. He has loose lips and spilled information about Noah that she wouldn't find out even if she hire someone to look at Noah's background.

She is confident that Stefan would contact her in the future, by the way, he gawked and scanned her body like she is some kind of a rare specimen. 

She smirked as she followed the man who introduced himself as Mr. Smith. She entered the elevator and stood at the corner, with her behind on the wall. Despite being tipsy, she hasn't forgotten the fact that she isn't wearing underwear. 

When they reached the underground parking of the hotel, a black Cadillac was waiting for them. Mr. Smith opened the passenger door for her, then closed the door softly before getting on the driver seat. 

She gave her address and leaned back in the leather seat of the car. She yawned as she watched the lights turned blurry from the car's window. 

"Miss Zimmerman, Miss Zimmerman…" 

She wrinkled her eyebrows when she heard an insistent voice calling her name. When she opened her eyes, a strange man was watching her from the driver seat of an unfamiliar car. 

"We are here, Miss Zimmerman," he said politely. 

Jess blinked her eyes multiple times. Her intoxicated brain has a hard time catching up on what is happening in her surroundings.

"My name is Mr. Smith, I'm your service driver from the Mayfair Hotel," he said. 

It seemed like Mr. Smith is quite familiar with dealing with drunk customers. He gave the information that she wanted without being asked. 

"Thank you." she straightened her back to get out of the car. "No need to open the door for me. I can do it on my own," she said when she saw him getting out of the car to open the passenger door for her. 

She got out of the car and waved at the Cadillac pulling out of the parking lot of her apartment building. She was rubbing her eyes as she walked to the elevator, yawning. 

When she reached the elevator, she watched the card slot of the elevator with furrowed eyebrows. Standing in front of the elevator of her apartment building, she realized that she doesn't have her elevator access card. It was in her purse that she left at Noah's penthouse back at the Mayfair Hotel. 

She sighed. She likes her apartment for it offers strict security and privacy for all its residents, but right now she is cursing the idea that she can't use the elevator at this time of the night without her access card.

The elevator only works with a special access card during late hours. She was thinking if she should get out of the parking lot and walked to the main entrance of the building to use the elevator from the main lobby of the building. 

She was still pondering the idea when she heard another car entering the parking lot. The car parked in one of the resident parking spots. 

She sighed hoping that whoever the owner of the car, was a resident of the building so she could ride the elevator to her apartment without going to the lobby. 

She stepped away from the elevator door and saw a man wearing black Adidas sweatpants and a hoodie, that covering half of his face approached the elevator. He looks like a hooligan, but she had a glimpse of his car. He was driving a black Audi R8 Sypder sports car. 

That car is one of the most expensive in the lineup of Audi sports cars. She is quite sure that the man despite his questionable appearance is a resident of this building. She waited in the shadow to find the perfect timing to approach the elevator again. 

Just as she expected, the man has an elevator access card. When she heard the whooshing sound of the opening elevator, she quickly stepped out of the shadow. 

"Hold the door, please," she yelled in the quiet parking lot. She stretched her arm to the elevator door to prevent it from closing, "Thank you." she said, averting her eyes from the man. She was about to press the button for her apartment floor when she saw that it was already blinking. 

This man that looks like a thug is her neighbor. She didn't notice that someone was already occupying the vacant apartment on her floor. 

There are two or three apartments on every floor of this building. It depends on the apartment size. Her floor has two apartments; a two-bedroom apartment and a four-bedroom apartment. 

When she was hunting for an apartment she wanted that one because its master bedroom has a better view. However, she thought she has no use for a house that has four bedrooms when she will be living on her own. 

Thus, she got the two-bedroom apartment instead. But she did not know that the apartment next to her, which has been vacant for a long time, was already occupied. Probably because she wasn't home most of the time. 

When the elevator door opened, she murmured a thank you to the man without giving him a glance. 

She hurried to her apartment door. She pressed her thumb on the keypad and was about to pull it open when a hand slammed it shut. 

"Not so fast, Miss Zimmerman." 

The hairs on her arms stood up when she heard the familiar husky voice behind her.