Take Me Anywhere

She stared at her phone, not looking where she was going, and ended up hitting a hard chest...when she looked up, she saw the familiar blue eyes of Noah.

'Tsk. Why do I have to see him now?' Her irritation must have been showing in her face for Noah gave her a quizzical look. 

She averted her eyes, and she took a deep sigh. She noticed a few palm trees gently swaying in the lightly blowing breeze. She felt her sweat stick to her skin. Summer is fast approaching. 

"Hey," he snapped his fingers in front of her face to get her attention. He can see that she is in a bad mood, and wonder if it's because of what happened to them in her apartment. 

"Can you please not talk to me? Especially here on campus." She closed her eyes and cursed Noah in her head. Even when the rational part of her brain was telling her that it was not his fault. 


He watched her eyebrows twitched with annoyance. She averted her gaze once again, clearly, she has no plan of telling him what irked her. It annoyed him, yet he can't get mad at her for he can see that she was having a hard time controlling her emotion. 

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her to his SUV not waiting for an answer. He opened the passenger door of his Land Rover and gently pushed her inside the car before he walked to the driver's side.

"W-what…" She was taken by surprise when Noah pulled and shoved her unceremoniously to his car. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, pursed her lips, and lifted her eyebrow.

Noah ignored her display of annoyance, and quietly pulled out his SUV from the parking lot. He put his arm behind her seat as he looked over his shoulder watching the bumper of his car as he skillfully maneuvered his car out of the narrow parking slot. 

She noticed the bulging of his biceps for he is wearing a white sleeve Lacoste polo shirt. Her eyes observed how his shirt fit snugly on his body frame. The top two buttons of his polo shirt left open did not escape her watchful eyes. 

She could take a peep on his muscular shirt from those opened buttons. She unconsciously licked her lower lips as she felt her throat dry up. She was thirsty and in dire need of something to drink.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see her hungry eyes feasting on his body like she is eyeing a delicious-looking cake on a glass counter of a cafe. He smirked inwardly and deliberately didn't remove his arm from the back of her seat to give her a better view. 

Watching her from his peripheral vision, he could see that her polo shirt has some buttons open too. With her arms crossed over her chest, he could see the shape of her breast perfectly for the material of her polo is quite thin. He grinned thinking, summer is now his favorite time of the year. 

"Where are you taking me, Tiefenbacher?" 

"Nowhere in particular. I was just thinking that you need some cake… and a cold drink to quench your thirst," he said without taking his eyes off the road. 

She scoffed for she knew the underlying meaning of the words he said. He was aware that she was watching him with thirst in her eyes. She was making fun of her, but instead of feeling embarrassed that she was caught ogling his glorious body, she decided to tease him. 

She glanced at his arm that was still casually draped over her seat, she grinned and naughtily ran her forefinger on his arms, "This… looks more appetizing than any sweets." she whispered in a sultry voice. 

She threw her head in laughter when Noah, dropped his arm and grabbed the steering wheel for he was so startled that he swarved to the opposite lane. 

"That was dangerous, Jess!" His voice croaked when he reprimanded her. 

"I was not the one behind the steering wheel. Why are you scolding me? "I didn't do anything," she batted her eyelashes in an attempt to appear innocent. 

Noah glanced over his shoulder when he heard her giggling on her seat like a mischievous child. He reached her head and ruffled her hair. He was glad to see that she was smiling. 

"Where do you want to go?" he asked, as he stepped on the gas for they were cruising the famous Palm Avenue. 

"Surprise me. Take me anywhere you want." she bent down on her seat and removed her shoes. She then pulled her feet up on the leather passenger seat preparing for a long ride. 

Seeing the anticipation on Jess' face. He took a U-turn on the next stoplight and drove away from the downtown area. He knew a place that Jess would like. 

"Would you like some music?" he asked when the car went quiet. 

"No, but can we open the window?"

He pressed some button on the side panel of the driver's window and the window from her side swoosh quietly as it opened and the gentle breeze entered the car. 

She leaned her head on the window as she closed her eyes inhaling the summer air. The frustration she was feeling with what professor Boa told her was forgotten. She just needed some fresh air to clear her head.

Noah on the driver seat would glance over his shoulder every now and then to watch the side profile of Jess, and marvel at how her face softens when the afternoon sun bathes her face. He experienced a calmness he had never experienced before. 

Him, on the steering wheel with her sitting on the passenger seat of his car, felt blissful. He wondered why he never felt this feeling with other women he dated before. Not even with his ex-wife. 

He opened the car window on his side as he felt envious of how Jess seemed to be enjoying the breeze. When the gentle wind hit his face, he realized that it was the first time he took a woman for a drive!


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