Stalking Is A Fair Game

Jess was gripping the steering wheel too tight her hands turned white. She drove for about fifteen minutes before she lost it! She took the car to a parking lot of a grocery store. 

"I just can't believe it!" she was huffing and puffing. "Do you really have to open your mouth about Noah with Jace and Sienna?" 

"I'm sorry. I have no idea that they would take it too seriously. Especially Siena." 

She sighed and ran her fingers over her hair. "Sorry. I'm not really angry at you, or with them. I was just so annoyed." She buried her fingers in her hair, "Ugh!" 

He just let Jess rumble on her own. He knew from experience that Jess just needed to speak out what's on her mind to get over her annoyance. He opened the car window on his side as he listened to Jess rambling. He would provide a one word answer if he was asked and basically that's it. After ten minutes, she was fine.