It Was All Good

[This chapter contains some mature scenes. If you are uncomfortable with it, please skip this chapter.]


He swallowed the saliva that was pooling in the inside of his jaw as he saw the soft, round peaches that were Jess' ass in front of him. He was trembling with lust, however, he was almost afraid to take her for it would be their first time and it must be naive of him to think that he wanted to take Jess in a situation where he wasn't standing behind her glorious ass. Yet, his desires outweighed everything that in one swift fluid motion, he thrust his manhood inside her to the hilt. 

For the moment he leaned forward, he had already lost, for the wave of lust took him in its own path. And it seemed Jess was the same. She arched her back like she was asking for more as she gripped the white bedsheet while she writhed in delirious ecstasy crying out for his name.