Accident At Sea

Her eyes met Lucille's horrified expression. She smiled at the little girl and gave her an okay sign. She was relieved to see that despite her fear, she lifted her hand and gave her a thumbs up. 

She gave a quick glance at Luke who also gave her a nod. She reached out her hand to Lucille and the little girl grabbed it. She was glad that the girl knew how to swim and hold her breath underwater!

She signaled the girl to keep her eyes on her. She doesn't want her to look at Soraya's bloody head and get petrified. 

She quickly unfastened her harness, held the girl's chin up, and kicked her legs to push them to the water surface. 

The girl gasped for air and held on to her neck tightly. "It's okay. We're fine. Daddy is coming to get you," she said, but when she swiped her eyes over the water, there was no speedboat in sight. 

'Strange,' she thought, however, now was not the time to think about it.