Unanswered Question

Before stepping out of Jess' room, he glanced back to see Lucille and Jess having a staring contest and he couldn't help but chuckle. He was looking forward to what kind of relationship the two most important girls in his life would develop. 

He knew that Jess has apprehension towards Lucille, and he doesn't know why, though he was quite sure that her hesitation has nothing to do with not liking Lucille as part of his life. He wished Jess would open up with him more. 

But alas, she kept on shrinking away from him. He sighed with frustration remembering how she would rather have an open-ended relationship with him than be in a serious one.

He was disappointed, but not that worried because Jess should know by now that he never gives up on things or people that matter to him.