How To Ask A Question

[This chapter is dedicated to our new top 1 fan, mary_Cooper. Thank you! Jess will pour her first glass of wine for you once she's out of the hospital. LOL] 


"You don't have to stay the night here, Luke." 

They were having their dinner delivered by the resort. Thank God! Because there is nothing more depressing than staying in a hospital than eating its food. She can enjoy her food without a needle in her right arm for she already removed her IV.

The nurse on duty twitched her eyebrows nervously as Jess pulled out her IV line, but didn't say anything. 

She doesn't need an IV. Ellise was being utterly ridiculous. 

She was trying to call to tell her that she doesn't have to stay in the hospital for a twenty-four observation. But, she won't answer nor reply to any of her messages. What irked her the most was the fact that she replied to all of Luke's messages!