Forgotten Memories

"Luke, head back to the villa first." 

She told her friend as she took the opposite direction to their villa after leaving Noah's villa.

"Okay," he answered absentmindedly.

He was almost to the door when he remembered the blood on the card of the flower bouquet that was sent this morning. He panicked and ran down the stairs in search of Jess. 

He was panicking that he didn't hear nor see Noah calling him. He took the steps two steps at a time, and once he reached the beach area he didn't know which way to go. 

Intuition told him to go left. Few people are down there, and Jess would have preferred an uncrowded area to clear her mind. 

He silently prayed that his deduction would be correct and he could find Jess as soon as possible. 

He was berating himself with his stupidity as he walked and scanned people along the beach. He has been walking for fifteen minutes without seeing Jess or anyone who looks like her.