Tom And Jerry

She parked her SUV three lots away from where she usually parks her car. Ever since the death threat she received, her body and her brain are always in survival mode. She has now become paranoid!

Her paranoia means that they have to walk a long distance to get to their laboratory building. Luke was unhappy but his lips were tight shut. 

"You parked your car so far away from your usual parking space, I get it as a form of safety measures, but do we really have to visit Jerry at this building?" 

His face was an expression of utter disgust, talking about one of his toxic exes is not something he wanted to do right now. Not to add the fact that since he hasn't come out of the closet, visiting an old flame is a dangerous game. 

Jerry was the only guy he dated that happened to be within the vicinity. He has a rule of never dating someone that is within his circle. But Jerry was an affair resulted from one of his rendezvous at some music festival.