We Got Engaged!

[This chapter is dedicated to Imago_Dei. Thank you for bestowing your power stones to our story.] 


Noah drove his Audi R8 V10 sports car out of the basement parking of ANAT. He hasn't driven this sports car for a while now because he usually uses the black one. 

He fixed the earpiece of his phone and redialed Luke's number again. He was quite sure that Jess was avoiding him because her phone was no longer ringing. 

She most probably already turned off her phone. Hence, he was calling Luke to ask him if he knew where Jess was. 

He remembered Jess told him before that Luke has a new apartment near ANAT but he doesn't know where his new address was. He dropped the call to Luke and dialed Antonio's number. 

"Antonio, find out if Mr. Ravenport updated his home address in the HR file. Send them to me when you get them. Do it ASAP!"