The Car Chase

[This chapter is dedicated to Zane_Love for showering our story power stones throughout the week. Thank you!] 


Despite the thickness of the door, when he closed it behind him, he could still hear a faint curse from the man who was looking for his daughter. 

Laughing, he went to his room to put on some clothes to pick up his drunken daughter. While he was pulling a white polo shirt from the closet, he wondered if the man who had knocked on Jess's door was the reason she was drinking at this hour. 

He shook his head and decided to have a talk with Jess. He knew that she had been avoiding him since he arrived at her doorstep. 

No matter what problems they had in the past, he was still her father.

He wore his Levi's 501 and tucked his white polo in. He ran a comb on his hair, sprayed some cologne, and put on his wristwatch. He inspected his reflection on the mirror before leaving the room. 
