Maybe I Could Help

The humming of the exhaust fan, and the grunt of the leather chair every time Dr. Sison would shift her position on her office chair were the only sounds that can be heard inside the small room. 

Jess was kneeling on the floor, with the mountain of folders spread out in front of her. She was trying to make sense of how Dr. Sison filed her documents so she could file them accordingly. 

After trying for about twenty minutes, she gave up on kneeling. She sat down on the floor and opened each folder to skim the content. And then, she grouped them together with the same research. 

She's studying Microbiology and not secretarial, she huffed as she finally was able to make some progress with the mountain of folders. 

"Jessica, you can take your lunch." 

She was startled when Dr. Sison suddenly spoke up. She swept her gaze to what she did and found that she had nine stacks of folders in front of her.