Breakfast In Bed

'Listen, Nugget. Papa will still visit you but for now, I have to go.' 

'No, please...Papa, don't go.' 

In an effort to get on eye level with his five-year-old daughter, Sebastian squatted down on the floor. 'Papa, won't go anywhere, Nugget. I promise.' 

'No, no,' she shook her head, her eyes filled with tears as she begged her father not to leave. 

She watched her father stand up from the floor, picked up his duffel bag, and walked out of the door, without looking back.

Jess wanted to run after her father, but her mother's hands were on her shoulder, not letting her go after him. 

The door creaked and slowly closing -- 

"Noooo! Please, don't go!"

Jess jerked up from the bed, her hands stretched in front of her, grasping the air. 

"Baby, wake up," he grabbed Jess's shoulder, but she flinched away from his touch. 

"Don't go," she whispered in the dark. She was gasping for air.