One More Regret

[This chapter is dedicated to our new power stone fairy, Sona1210. Thank you! ]



"Truce," she replied as she accepted the cup of coffee her father made for her. "But I won't promise you anything." 

"That's okay. This much is fine with me." 

"Is there something that happened back home that made you come here?" She gripped the coffee mug in her hands, wondering if her nanny back home forgot to tell her something. 

"I celebrated my 40th birthday and didn't hear anything from you." He gave his daughter a tight smile. 

Taking a sip of coffee, she leaned back against the backrest of the sofa. She watched her father from the rim of her coffee mug, watching her. 

"You're doing your internship now, right?" 


"I had a layover in Tokyo, coming here. I met your aunt Joy. She told me about your internship."