A Matter of Staying and Leaving

[This chapter is dedicated to Kalae_Tangonan. I appreciate your support for our story. Cheers! I love your name and I would love to use it in my future story, I hope you don't mind.] 


"How was your personal flask?" 

Luke was grinning like the obnoxious child that he was, the moment she entered the lab. He followed her to her locker where she hung up a clean lab coat. She doesn't use her lab coat for more than two days even though she was just inside the lab. 

That's why she would always have an extra lab coat in her locker. She tied her hair in a low ponytail after she wore her coat. 

Luke arrived earlier than she was. He was already wearing his lab coat over a powder blue polo shirt that has the two buttons opened, giving anyone a peek of his firm muscle under all those clothes.