Caught In The Act

[This chapter is dedicated to Amandam357. Thank you for choosing our story. I couldn't be thankful enough for your support!]


"0229...0229...0229…" Noah has the stupidest grin on his face as he utters repeatedly the numbers Jess gave him. She told him to memorize it, but that wasn't the reason why he kept on saying the four digits numbers. 

"0229." He chuckled heartily, saying the set of numbers again. The grin on his face doesn't seem to leave his lips anytime soon. The fact that Jess entrusted him with her passcode to her apartment, for him to drop by anytime, was making him giddy like a teenager. 

And the excitement he's feeling was not just because Jess trusted him enough to give him her apartment's passcode but most especially because the passcode to her apartment was his birthday! February 29th.