Back To The Villa

[This chapter is dedicated to krys_2285. Thank you for supporting our story. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to point out some mistakes I made in some chapters. Jess sends her love! :* ] 


They all pile up in the car, Markus moved to become the designated driver once again, while Aadir moved to the passenger for Jess and Noah took the backseat of the Land Rover. Noah doesn't want to let go of Jess's hand, hence, Markus just volunteered to drive but not without calling Noah names. He lowered his voice and called and said, "wimp". He muttered them under his breath but Jess and Noah could hear him clearly. 

Noah kicked the back of the driver's seat, but Markus just laughed out loud. He had already started the car and was about to pull away from the curb where he parked when Ellise suddenly appeared next to the driver's side window and knocked, pointing to the backseat.