Talk (2)

[This chapter is dedicated to Jemma_Darlington for being the current top 2 fan of our story. Thank you for your support. Cheers!]


He paced around the library. All the while, he was moving between rows of bookshelves, he was straining his ears toward the door—waiting for Jess. He could have sat down in one of the seats but his nerves prevented him from doing so. 

He glanced at his watch and it's been twenty minutes. When he told Jess to take her time, he didn't expect her to take this much time. He exhaled another nervous sigh and craned his neck to the door. It was still firmly shut. 

He bumped his head on one of the shelves of the bookshelves. He was too anxious and he was having a hard time trying to stop himself from going out of the library to fetch Jess. He was never this nervous in the boardroom.