To Punch Him In The Face

[This chapter is dedicated to SubrataRoy2018. Thank you for supporting all of my works! I'll be forever grateful!]


"Step a bit to the right. There," he raised his hand to signal her to stop as if she didn't hear his instruction clearly. 

When they asked Markus to take their photo, they didn't expect him to be a perfectionist in taking a simple picture. They aren't asking him for a photo that would be for Vogue or something. Just a photo for memory. But then, Markus has a different idea. They have been following his instructions for about twenty minutes. 

Jess wasn't really fond of seeing her face in a photo. Hence, she likes taking photos of empty streets. 

She didn't bother to smile when Markus for the nth time asked her to pose for him. She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her waist. Her brows were raised high, annoyance can be seen in her face. 

"Do you know Markus outside of work?"