Will Come To Bring You Home

[This chapter is dedicated to Boregowda_Dasappa for showering our story with power stones. They are greatly appreciated.] 


Right as the car Markus was driving disappeared from their sight, a familiar company car pulled over in front of them. As soon as the car stopped, the driver's side door opened. The driver came out with a big smile on his lips.

"Good evening, Miss Jung and Miss Zimmerman. Went shopping?" He asked in a friendly tone. 

"Yes, Suraj." Jess bent down to pick up the shopping bags that were next to her. 

Suraj was stunned when Miss Zimmerman called him by his first name. He didn't know that she knew him. It made him happy that she did. 

Jess helped Suraj to put the shopping bags in the trunk of the company van. She didn't see June's face lose its color when she saw the man who came out of the van. 

"Do you need help?"