What Was Noah Thinking?

[This chapter is dedicated to rentayam. Thank you for your support! Cheers from Noah and Jess.]


"Good morning!" She greeted Gareth that was already buried at his table so early in the morning. It irked her that even though she came to work an hour earlier than usual, Gareth was still earlier than her. She wondered what time he left for work. 

She asked June what she and Gareth talked about that made her look so uncomfortable but she refused to tell her. Thus, her morning greeting for him, though cheerful, was insincere. She is still wary and uncomfortable around Gareth even though she could not find fault in him, especially his work ethic. The guy is one hell of a hard worker, borderline workaholic!

"Good morning, Jess! You're early." he smiled at her like usual. Friendly and quite charming.