What If I'm Not Kidding?

[This chapter is dedicated to pavs. Thank you for always bestowing your power stones to our story.]


After a really long nap and a short one after, Noah and Jess finally left Jess's bedroom, refreshed and energized, well, not Jess. She was tired and spent she would rather curl in bed, and relish on the amazing 'nap' Noah gave her. 

But as much as they want to stay in bed all day, they have Lucille waiting for them. Although she's well-taken care in the care of Soraya and Aadir, this weekend trip wasn't just for her and Noah. 

Jess took a warm shower to ease the sore muscles and special spot that was given thorough attention and put on a breezy summer dress. It has a high neckline to cover Noah's not so gentle kisses that trail along the length of her neck to her collarbone to her breast. They were like a reflector that shined brightly to show which part of her body was Noah's favorite spot.