Eat With Us

[This chapter is dedicated to _AMiss. Thank you for all your support. It is greatly appreciated. Hugs to you!] 


She entered her passcode to the door panel of her apartment and when she pushed the door open, she heaved a deep sigh before saying, "tadaima". Her apartment replied. She smiled as the security of her place was in place. 

She pushed her suitcase to the side and put her purse on the console table when she felt a presence behind her.

"Put down the damn figurine, Jess." He said, stomping his feet. 

She grinned and turned around slowly to see Luke holding a piece of paper with scrabble that even a kindergarten student can do better. The words 'welcome home. I'll miss living at your house, why didn't you stay longer in Mumbai' were written in colorful letters. 

She laughed reading his warm welcome. "You are such a bitch!" She ran inside Luke's open arms to give him a big hug. "I miss you!"