Picking Up The Young Miss

[This chapter is dedicated to Mercury_Drug. Thank you for sending power stones to our story. It was nice to see you supporting our stories with power stones until now. Thank you!] 


She stretched her back and yawned. Her phone on alarm has been vibrating, reminding her that she has to pick up Lucille. Putting aside the papers containing the previous data from Luke's research, she got up from her chair. 

She has been reading some findings and the hypothesis of Luke's research because she wanted to catch up with everything. Since there will be just the two of them working on his study, she's already expecting the long hours in the lab. Hence, she offered to pick up Lucille in the near future, she won't be able to spend time with her or with Noah. 

She exhaled a deep sigh, thinking they would be living next to each other but they won't have much time to spend together.