Affirmation Of Love

[This chapter is dedicated to Neil_Playz. Thank you for picking up this book. Much love!]



The sleepiness disappeared from Lucille's face the moment she saw her father cooking in the kitchen. 

"Good morning, princess!" He kissed the crown of Lucille's head. He smoothened her bed hair as he picked her up from the floor. 

Lucille snaked her small arms around her father's neck, murmuring, "I'm sorry, daddy."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I asked Aunt Jessie to buy me a dog even when you said no." She whispered back on the crook of her father's neck, refusing to meet his eyes. 

"Do you like your new dog?" 

"Yes!" She pushed herself away from her father's neck and for the first time met her father's eye. "You'll love Macao!"

"Is it a he or a she?"

"He. His ---"