Noah's Pettiness

[This chapter is dedicated to Ingi. Thank you for your support. I'd be always grateful for everything.] 


The Old Sly Tiefenbacher joined them in the car as they dropped Sofia home. The girls were entertained with the Old Sly Tiefenbacher witty jokes. They were all enamored with him that the girls hung on his every word throughout dinner. 

Jess saw where Noah got his charm. She let the Old Sly Tiefenbacher entertain the kids as she sat back and watched them have fun. It was also clear the Old Sly Tiefenbacher enjoyed the attention the three young girls threw his way. 

"Opa, are you staying with us?" Lucille asked after she bid goodbye to Sofia and waited for Soraya to return from walking Sofia to her doorstep. 

"Sweetcakes, I'd love to but your father would be angry at me if I do." He winked at his great-granddaughter who giggled at what he said and did. 

"Aunt Jessie, can I sleep at your place?"