What's The Score?

[This chapter is dedicated to brielle2. Thank you for picking up Noah and Jess's story. I hope you're having fun.] 


"Should we lower the temperature of the room?" 

Jess slowly turned her head to Luke who was standing a table away from her. He was leaning against the steel table, arms crossed over his broad shoulder. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "What's wrong with the room temperature?" 

"It's freezing like a morgue." He said, squinting his eyes at her. "Did Noah not love you thoroughly before flying to Berlin?" He smirked with his question that was full of malice. He cocked his head to the side in confusion because Jess didn't react to his teasing. Her poker face irked him. Especially when she turned her attention back to her task at hand, shutting his presence off completely.