Old Scars And Memories

[This chapter is dedicated to patchichay. Thank you for your support of this story. Your power stones were greatly appreciated.]


Noah got up and shook the hands of the shareholders that had nothing but good words for him. His grandfather was nowhere to be found but his father as the CEO of the company attended the meeting. He came forward and congratulated him. 

A small amount of pride caressed his chest when he heard his father's words. Despite their awkward relationship, he still respects his father as a businessman. He's a good businessman, it just happened that the Sly Tiefenbacher didn't agree with how his father ran the business and insisted for him to take the CEO position. The Sly Tiefenbacher didn't care that he was pitting him and his father with the said coveted position. 

"Bring Lucille home this weekend." Austin Tiefenbacher said.

"She has an exam this weekend, Father."