Revenge Is Coming

[This chapter is dedicated to joeysolivas. Thank you for giving this story your power stones. I appreciate the support.]


Steve got on the Chesna that was waiting for him on the rooftop of the building owned by the organization that he was managing under the pretense that there are higher-ups and he was merely the emissary. However, what the others don't know was that he was more than an emissary. He holds a position in a Mafia organization that he has been a member of since he was in college—doing the menial tasks for them. He's good at recruiting people and that's how he got in the group. He works his way up and now holds a decent position in the organization. The Wings - is what he called his organization which wasn't really an organization. He just pretended it to be one to get the support of all those greedy men that were working under him.