A New Lead

[This chapter is dedicated to joeysolivas. Thank you for voting for this story.] 

Noah paced the room. He was scratching his chin with his left hand while his right hand was shoved deep in his pants pocket. He was still processing the information that Ellise and Markus had told him. Ellise was on her laptop doing something he had no idea about since the screen of her laptop has nothing but codes. It's something that he couldn't understand. He just learned the name of the man with her as DT. She didn't explain her relationship with DT who is currently helping her with her coding.

He wanted to call Nicole but Ellise warned him not to. She wanted to do something first before he called his ex-wife. The room's atmosphere started to grow heavy. A certain agitation could be felt from the men that were working with Ellise. 

"Hello, Dana. Stop calling me. I don't have any new information."