There Is No Way

[This chapter is dedicated to Princess_queey65. Thank you for picking up this book. Much love!]

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When finally they were able to shower, Jess realized that she had no chance of clothes. 

"Noah, what should I wear?" Her brows were creased as she scrubbed her hair dry with a microfiber towel. 

"You can either wear my clothes or go naked." 

"Noah!" She snapped at him, who didn't seem to think that her lack of clothes was a problem. 

He pulled his jeans and walked to Jess's side, grinning. He tried to hug her but she slapped his naked chest. "Don't get mad. I was just kidding. I had your suitcase in the walk-in closet." He tried to kiss her cheek again and this time Jess didn't hit him. "Those choices I said were just inside this room." 

She glared at him. "You're being too much, Noah," she said with a warning.