Every Family Is Different

[This chapter is dedicated to Chato_Santos. Thank you for picking up this story and voting for it with your power stones! I appreciate all the support.] 

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The casual conversation in the lanai—where Noah, Alfred, and Lucille bicker for Jess's attention, has come to an end when the kitchen help called for them and informed them that dinner was served. They all moved to the dining room to feast on the food that the Tiefenbacher household chef prepared that evening with the thought of celebrating Austin for keeping the CE position in the company. 

Dinner was sumptuous, wine was opened, and cheers and congratulatory words were exchanged. Overall, it was an enjoyable dinner with a warm ambiance between families. The exchange was opposite of the atmosphere in the library where it was just the four of them who sat together at a table, without the presence of Lucille and Mrs. Tiefenbacher.