Business First

[This chapter is dedicated to rcribben2114. Thank you for the golden tickets! Your love and support keep this newbie writer going.] 

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Noah leaned against the door frame of their walk-in closet and watched Jess do her ritual before putting on her nightgown. His arms were folded over his chest and an amused smile was playing on his lips. He won't get tired of watching Jess do her own thing, be it as mundane as putting lotion on her legs or peering in a microscope in the lab. Jess was just so alluring and mesmerizing to watch. 

A piece of soft music was playing from Jess's phone. A candle was also lit on the dresser and she moved without haste. He wasn't sure if she was deliberately doing it because he was watching or she simply enjoys torturing him. The image of having her bend over on his knees, slapping her round peaches, and hearing her calling him daddy was enough to light up the desires that made him wonder if he needed another cold shower.