Ghost Of The Past

[This chapter is dedicated to Wanda_Batzel. Thank you for bestowing your golden ticket to our story. Your support keeps me going. Much love from Jess and Noah!] 

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The fire on the fireplace was the only light in the room. A faint jazz music playing in the background was interrupted by the loud sound from the old grandfather clock somewhere in the library. 

Austin left him to take a rest, after reminding him for the nth time that he should stop drinking. He promised he wouldn't. But, he just poured himself a new glass. Austin won't know. It's the same thing that he won't know the extent of his sin to his mother and Steven's mother. 

He pinched the skin between his brows and took another swig of his drink. He should have done something about Steven a long time ago other than keeping him on the leash. For the bastard learned some underhanded tactic as if he wasn't going to get caught. He almost escaped if not for Noah.