[Bonus chapter] The Best Day Ever

[This chapter is dedicated to I_M_W01. Thank you for bestowing our story on your power stones. I'll be forever grateful for your support, especially now that our story is nearing its end. I'm not ready for it to end yet.] 

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"Your version of your story is far from mine." 

Noah rolled to his side and propped his elbow on his pillow, cradling the side of his face in his palm, staring at Jess's eyes. 

"What do you mean my version of my story is different from yours?". It gave Noah such a sexy vibe. She smiled softly, running her index finger at them. 

"Yes. I wish I had the time to tell you all of it right now but your daughter is just outside my door," she chuckled wryly, lowering her gaze when soft knocks were heard from outside her room.