A Drug Of His Own Making

[This chapter is dedicated to Wanda_Batzel. Thank you for your never-ending support. I can't thank you enough.] 

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"Take a seat, Tiefenbacher. This won't take long and what you're going to see required you to sit down." 

Ellise patted the chair next to her and Noah sat down quietly. Seeing the way Steven curled on the floor like a fetus, unmoving, it was easy to assume that he was sleeping or dead. But there was a monitor that was displaying his heart rate and his heart was beating normally—too normal, given the situation that he was in. 

"My men had already broken him—-mentally and emotionally which wasn't that difficult since he had some missing screw in his head, and his emotional state wasn't that good either. But he was one hell of a smart motherfvcker and the only thing that made it easier for my men to get him to crack was through his ego. He knew he was smart and he had the confidence of a psychopath."