The Normal One (2)

Lucille ran to the plane with Macao on her heels. The small dog was barking happily as it ran after his owner who was too excited to get on the private plane. 

Jess and Noah leisurely walked the short distance from the car to the plane, hand in hand they watched Lucille running and being chased by her dog, and Soraya. Jin was also walking like he was taking a stroll under the moonlight behind Soraya. He was used to seeing this scene. 

Lucille has too much energy for things that she was excited about. 

"Did you call Ellise?" 

Jess chuckled and pinched Noah's arm. "Stop! How many times do you have to ask?" 

"Well…" He smiled impishly as he scratched the side of his head. He could not really tell her that the reason why he was asking was that he called Ellise last night and he told her his plan to propose to Jess in New York but she dropped the call on him and sent him a text message saying, you wish.