[Bonus chapter] Noah In Hot Water

[This chapter is dedicated to Evelyn_Bobis_Simon. Thank you for picking up this story. I hope you're having fun reading.] 

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The drive was painfully awkward because Ellise chose to sit beside him and kept on glaring at him, not hiding her anger towards him. He wished that his chatterbox daughter would take this opportunity to ramble but she had been silent in the car as well as Jess. 

He looked over his left shoulder and whispered. "You know I was just kidding, right?" 

"You were not kidding, Tiefenbacher. Don't take me for a joke." 

Jess, who was sitting on his right, snickered and then threw her gaze out of the moving car. 

"I have a feeling that the two of you are playing me," he twisted his body towards Jess who was feigning innocence. 

He nudged her side with his elbow. "Can't you help me out? I mean, you know that I didn't mean anything ill with what I've said, right?"